IRC5: is it possible to upgrade an OS without receiving a new keystring?

  • Hello all, I'm trying to upgrade a robot operating system.

    I've used a backup and the robotstudio to make a new OS with the latest robotware and when I try to upload it to the controller I get an error that tells me that I need 25MB more of space...

    Is it normal?

    What would you do?

    Thank you in advance. ;)

  • No is not normally. Try to use a C-Start! The System have mor than 1 RobWare version installed in the last time.

    You can maximum install 2 RobWare versions!!!! Than is the space finish.

    You must delete one of this folders. Normally you can use a C-Start. This will be delete all foldes wihtout the "temp"-folder!


    Wer nichts macht, macht keine Fehler!

    Wer keine Fehler macht, kann nichts daraus lernen!

    Wer nichts lernen kann, kann sich nicht weiterentwickeln!

    Wer sich nicht entwickelt, geht unter!

  • Thank you very much for answering so sooooon ;)

    I've not been able to find two OSes: the root folder looks like:

    1. 44-51168
    1.1 programs and normal stuff
    2. Inbox
    2.1 one Bin file that is up to 25 MBs :O + 2 cmd/bat files
    3. temp
    3.1 Old Backups.

    Should I remove that Inbox folder?

    I'm worried about the C-Start, it seems that it will delete everything and this robot is producing 24x7x365 and I can't do risky things...

    I would like to install two OSses and if the new one is not working then I could go back to the old one.

    Moreover the customer used a special character to name one folder "Ñ" and this letter is giving problems to the FTP server in order to get it to work properly and I can't copy everything...

  • risky changes at 24/7/365 ??

    good luck! You will need it.

    Wolfram (Cat) Henkel

    never forget Asimov's Laws at the programming of robots...

    "Safety is an integral part of function. No safety, no production. I don't buy a car without brakes."

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  • Thank you all, now, and in order to try to upgrade it, I'm searching this:

    "You can find a detailed description of how to upgrade the controller system from RobotWare 5.05 to RobotWare 5.11.xx in the document “Migration Guide RW 5.05 – RW 5.06 – RW 5.08 – RW 5.09 – RW 5.10” (RP5.10 - 053) – RW5.13 (RP5.13-063)"

    Without luck... Any idea on where I could find it?

    Thank you in advance...

  • Hi!

    There is a file called "Release Notes" on each Robot-Ware & RobotStudio-CD-ROM.
    Well, we don´t use RW5.13, so I can´t send the file to you. But your local ABB-Support can do!
    Maybe the files are also online?


  • Hello Joan,

    is there a certain reason why you want to upgrade to 5.13? The problem is you can not install 2 Systems on one Controller. This means you need to C-Start Your System to install a 5.13 OS. Next thing is, are you shure, your System fits the hardware requirements for 5.13 OS?
    I have done updates from 5.06 to 5.10 in the past but not on a 24/7 machine and there was no hardwarechange (as far as I know) between 5.06 an 5.13 Machines.
    Maybe somebody else knows if 5.13 runs on older Harware.


  • Well, I hope that it will be possible... In fact there should be a document explaining the right steps to make this kind of upgrade. (remember the "You can find a detailed description of how to upgrade the controller system from RobotWare 5.05 to RobotWare 5.11.xx in the document “Migration Guide RW 5.05 – RW 5.06 – RW 5.08 – RW 5.09 – RW 5.10” (RP5.10 - 053) – RW5.13 (RP5.13-063)").

    The idea here is to update the OS as it seems that under a motion supervision the robot with the OS 5.08 don't change the MotOnState system variable to 0. It seems that in newer OS versions this work correctly. This is the main idea and the main reason for me to make this upgrade.

    Again thank you all!

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