Application with Vision System and KUKA

  • Good Morning People!

    Has anyone any information about communication and programation of Vision System and KUKA . Anything about base change or reference point with this device.

    Please post a lot of information or cases to help me or send by email: .

    Thanks. :grinser043:

    Krause / Brazil

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  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • si.

    communication between Perceptron and Robot via PLC

    The PLC communicates to Vision-system via RS232
    Robot recieves Offset-Data via bus-interface from PLC.
    Will some info about the part between PLC and Robot help you?

    Wolfram (Cat) Henkel

    never forget Asimov's Laws at the programming of robots...

    "Safety is an integral part of function. No safety, no production. I don't buy a car without brakes."

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  • Hi,

    there is no differece at all if you use a vision system either with a kuka robot or any other robot.
    If you have bit encoding, you will have six variables (ISRA for instance sends a ? bit lenght signed Integer, you have to make a divison with one hundred and this is your koordinate).

    To bring the robot and the vision together you have different opportunities:

    first: using the same coordinate system:

    - therefor you can use a reference plate: make a picture with the camera and adjust the camera base, then measure the base with the robot (take attention using the same direktions for x and y - this makes it more convenient).

    - an other way is to take one point with the camera and to teach the point with the robot (then you can calculate the offset in xyz) to calculate the orientation you have to make this for one other point.

    - at least some camera systems have a functionality to transfom the basefor the robot.
    for this you should consult the documentation of the vision system.

    If its possible I would use the first version - it is the easiest.

    I guess other vision systems obtain other opportunities - but it is allmost the same. There are two basic systems which are used by all common vison systems (one is halcon) - so the differences are not really big.

    BR: stefan

  • funny Question - this is not plug and play!

    first: there are differnet kinds of interfaces to camera systems (eg. Serial ethernet, or I/O).

    yxz from the vision you will find nowhere on the robot - if you don´t write a (robot-) program reading from this interface.

    BR Stefan

  • Could someone please send me information on how to send vision system data into Kuka via Ethernet. I have built a vision system, and have all the data ready - but cannot find out how to send it!

    Many thanks.


  • KUKA.Ethernet.KRL(XML) or KUKA.Ethernet.RSIXML
    Depending on the data format you want to send.
    E.g.: the use of EKX (Ethernet KRL XML) require a "alphanumerical output"
    attached a description

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