is it possible to change parametres to speed up a RJ3 arcmate 100i (1999)

  • I need to speed up the program...

    I use 100% joint continious movements but it is not enough,

    axis 1 (base) looks a bit slow, is it possible to increase this with a parametre setting
    (i know its not good with lifetime and.. but i have no choice :sadsmiley:)

  • you can change the acellerations (carefully) up to 150%
    also it should be possible to tune the speed but this is terrible magic... for details ask one of the fanuc guys

    Wolfram (Cat) Henkel

    never forget Asimov's Laws at the programming of robots...

    "Safety is an integral part of function. No safety, no production. I don't buy a car without brakes."

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  • Hello ScanRobot,

    did you have setup the right payload data in the motion screen? Menu -> 0 (Next) -> 6 (setup) -> F1 (Type) -> Motion
    There you have to enter the weight of the gripper and the workpiece. With the command PAYLOAD[..] you can activate the payload setting in your TP progam.
    So you can also improve your cycle time....

    Good luck

    Wenn bereits der Ansatz falsch ist, so führt strenge Logik unweigerlich zum falschen Ergebnis. Nur Unlogik gibt Dir jetzt noch die Chance, wenigstens zufällig richtig zu liegen.<br /><br />Alle sagten: das geht nicht. Dann kam einer, der wusste das nicht und hat´s gemacht.

  • You can also try this:
    MENUS >>> 0 (NEXT) >>> 6 (SYSTEM) >>> F1 (TYPE) >>> 2 (VARIABLES)
    >>> $PARAM_GROUP >>> MRR_GRP_T >>> $JNTVELLIM >>> [1]

    Here you can change joint velocity limit. Current value at our LRMate 200 iB
    is 180 (deg/sec). Be carefully.

    After adjust turn off controller and start again.

    New value is the limit for all joint-movements at axis 1.

    Much luck ;)

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