Fanuc Profibus

  • Dear all

    I'm new in Fanuc Robot, Now I try to connect Fanuc (RJ 2 controller with Profibus module) to Siemens S7 via Profibus but I don't have idea to do that, please help me about:

    - How to setup Fanuc for Profibus link?

    - Where can I download Fanuc-Profibus document?

    Please help me :hilfe:
    Thank you/Regards

  • fanuc-profibus should be downloadable at fanuc homepage section support.
    alternatively call fanug. they send it by mail.

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  • Hello NuiNui

    To set the Profi-Bus Parameters You have to enter the Setup and choose TYPE Profibus (second Page). There You can set In/Out length, Adress,...

    To define Signals, You have to use RACK 67 SLOT 1 as main setting and then the Bit-Number.


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