execute a .Bat file

  • two questions:

    a) My customer try to execute a ".bat" file in order to make a backup of all kuka programs to the backup server.

    But an error occur:
    Windows cannot find 'C:\ex.bat'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search.

    It's possible to execute a ".bat" file in a kuka robot ?
    It's blocked ?

    b) it's possible to change the files:
    My computer\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\DefaultDomainName

    My computer\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\DefaultPassword

    My computer\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\DefaultUserName

    The customer need to change this files for make a backup copy to the server.

    Thanks so much to all !!

  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • Since 5.xx Kuka renamed the cmd to cmdk.
    I think, this is the reason (wrong file association)
    I have no idea why KUKA blocks this.

    Autologon is recommended - otherwise you need a keybord to type in the password.
    Try it out - the user needs administrative rights.

    .. Stefan

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