KRC1 program

  • Dear All

    Now, I work thesis with KUKA KRC1 and Image processing. My Image processing program can create SRC file to use for KUKA but my file is save in C:/program file/... so it cann't use sub program method to execute it because program isn't in RAM memory (I think). Please give me for idea to execute SRC file from C:/program file/....

    Thank you for your helpful

    Best regards

  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • Hi,

    you want to send a Kuka-program from another PC and then execute it on Kuka? So you have to send it to Kuka, but not into the file R1. With the KCP you have to copy your program (and your .dat-file, if necessary). Now your program will be compiled. Is this the right answer or have I do a mistake in understandig the question?



  • Dear PA

    Thank you for your answer. :lol:
    Yes, I want to send KUKA program from PC and execute it on KUKA but I want to execute it automatic don't use KCP to load program by manual.Now I don't have any idea , Please give me some idea to do that.

    Thank you

  • Hello NuiNui,

    an automatic load of SRC's (without use the KCP) is with the software on a KRC1 not possible.
    KUKA has a program ("DirLoader") which is doing what you want, but working only with kernel software V5.4 or higher.

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