SerchL Instruction

  • Hello,

    I have programmed the following instruction:

    SearchL \PStop, SensorSignal, Pstore, Pmax, v10, tool1;

    How can i know when the robot has achieved the Pmax position ?

    At the beginning I had thought that the actual position of the robot is equal to the Pmax position but in the manual explains: "the robot movement is stopped as quickly as possible, without keeping the TCP".

    Thanks !!

  • Hello,

    Pmax is the final position of the search-movement. The robot stop at this target if there is no rising or falling edge of the signal you looked for.

  • Hello damia,

    if the robot reach the PMax-position without a signal detection the error handler will be called up.

    In the error handler the error ERR_WHLSEARCH should be evaluated, like as shown below:

    Proc test1()
    SearchL ....

    !Endposition was reached without finding anything
    MoveL p....


    Please read the description of the SearchL instruction in the manual for further information.



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