PULSE stop the program flow ?

  • Hello,
    Using the bellow code, the guy that is working with the robot tell me that the "PULSE" stops the flow of the program. (the robot do the first movement then stops and then continues the with the second movement)
    It's that possible ?
    The PULSE instruction It's like a wait ?

    PTP {X -351.62, Y 939.75, Z 1362.21, A 70.47, B 0.1, C 179.89}
    LIN {X 82.75, Y 227.24, Z -142.33, A 0.76, B 46.44, C 92.39}

    DEF paste(m_iUnit,m_iNumPiece)
    INT m_iUnit
    INT m_iNumPiece

    SWITCH m_iUnit

    CASE 1
    .... etc

    As always thanks you in advance.

  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • Hello damia!

    The robot works fine! ;)

    First you must tell the robot, that you want continues movement with C_PTP or C_LIN. Otherwise the robot stop at every point. Very old versions of the robot-software can not continue from ptp to lin or backwards.

    Second: Some instructions will stop the interpreter like OUT or PULSE. You can use the CONTINUE-instruction a line above.

    Read the manual :pfeif:

    Happy weekend :beerchug:

  • You can use a trigger

    EG: trigger when distance=0 Delay = 0 do PULSE(m_BXdo_bU1ApplyPasteD1,TRUE,0.5) Prio=-1.
    nevertheless the C_PTP statement is missing.
    the pulse is not like a wait - the robot moves only exactely to the point.

    BR Stefan

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