
  • Dear Mr LindePaul,
    I have to run your program SER_SIM.EXE that you sent to me with my robot program SPRAY23, in which I use SER_SIM.EXE to send data to robot controller via RS232 COM1. Data is included six variables are X,Y,Z,A,B,C, firstly, I start with the first data X to the robot controller there is no error indicate but when I continue with the second data Y , the error indicates is "No response DLE". Could you explain to me what does its mean? How to troubleshoot this error? Please help me check my program as attachment file SPRAY23.SRC below. Many thank for your help

  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • Dear LindePaul,
    many thank for your help, but I still not understand some points:
    1. You means that I should delete all CCLOSE statement in all subfunctions to get X,Y,Z,A,B,C .
    2. For you, what the value of TIMEOUT I should setting for?
    3. Could you please help me modify my program again? (see attachment) Because now I really need your helping hand. Once, I reaaly thank for your help.

  • to 1. YES but why 6 functions? Does the vision system sends 6 telegrams to transmit the
    to 2. i ment =10.0 insteed 10, CREAD is concerning this very sensible.
    the time depends on the application. If you don't know the time (async) when the
    telegram will arrive use a serial-INTERUPT-programm (see CREAD/CWRITE
    to 3. i'm working on it. But it is not easy for me - i'm laying down at home with influenca

    A big help would be a desciption of the telegram from the vision system (format, bytes, ...)

    Wer nach allen Seiten offen ist kann nicht ganz dicht sein

  • Dear LindePaul,
    Let I decribe briefly my project again:
    1. From vision system, all the coordinate of POINT (X,Y,Z,A,B,C) data is computed by VC++ and ready in the queue. When I command send to robot the data of point P1 (X,Y,Z,A,B,C) after finish for point P1 the process will be continue with P2 and up to Pn. I think this like as send a telegram with 6 coordinates data.
    2. Up to now, I just send data by enter manually all data to SER_SIM_EXE program then click send to robot controller step by step. So sometime it still indicates error "No DLE response". Could you please show me how to add your program in my vision program?
    3. I will take care to your comments and rewrite this program with another way. However, your opinion is now really neccessary for me before chosing another way to program for my robot.
    With best wishes for a speedy recovery !
    See you soon

  • Dear kiethnt,
    you drive me to despair :???:
    The ser_sim.exe was writen only to test the KUKA-3964R-driver or KRL-application if a real device is missing. I gave you the sources to show you the 3964R algorithm. You can buy VC++ driver for 3964R protocol. You must Google :supi:

    I changed your program SPRAY23 for testing the program and the serial communication with ser_sim.exe.
    There are 2 ways to use it:
    By hand - you have to define a teststring on ser_sim in following format
    e.g. "1 2 3 -4 -5 -6", 6 integers (x,y,z,a,b,c) separated by a SPACE
    then press send, spray23 must run, disadvantageous here - you have always to
    type in a new coordinates
    Automatic - set ser_sim to MIRRORING an send from spray23 via CWRITE the test
    coordinates, i've marked the line in spray23

    By the way, did you inquire KUKA Taiwan already with the problem ? :zwink:

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  • Dear LindePaul,
    Don't despair hurry, I think maybe you confuse my points. Before I send data form my VC++ program SER_SIM is called form this program first. However,you don't need to take care because I can solve this problem by my self. Now I just test with SER_SIM.EXE individually to send data to robot controller.
    The big problem here is error "No DLE respone" when I send the second data. Can you explain all the reason can lead to this error. Anyway I would lke to say thank you for your help. I will try with your program that you send back to me again.

  • Hi man,
    you don't read my emails careful. I have answered it already and you don't answer my questions. :aufsmaul:

    "No DLE response" means the receiver channel is closed.

    Do you know the protocol 3964R ?
    I have attached a description. See Kap. 2.7. Is in german, but there are pictures also

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  • Dear LindePaul,
    I have to modify my program follow your comment and then run on the the real robot, however there are 9 errors after compile process finish. I tried to fix these errors but I cannot. Could you please help me check my program again? Please attachment file as below

  • For your prpogram that you sent to me, I found where are error and compiled them see attachment file SPRAY29.SRC). However, there are some problems with CREAD statement:
    1. Firstly, on SER_SIM I define string included 6 data following format "1 2 3 4 5 6 " seperate with space and then using this syntax of CREAD statement to read six data with the same telegram and the result is it does not recieve any data.
    2. There is the first time I use CREAD with six data in the same handle, I have to try with another program SPRAY31.SRC see below it still not run probably. Could you me help me check my program again?

  • sorry about the compiler errors. I wrote/change the program with a simple editor and on sickbed. Without syntax check.

    1. i hope you have not included the characters " also in the definition ? Remove the last space.

    2 which value has the variable SR_T.RET1 ?

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  • Dear LindePaul,
    Now everything run OK, I really thank for your support during this week. However now I still have a big problem that are:
    1 when I use SER_SIM.exe on Win 98 then all data is transmitted OK without any error as "No DLE response" but when I try this program on Win XP the result is error still have when the second data is transmitt. For me this error indicates because there is a different operating system between my PC and KUKA robot controller. Could you please help me check problem again? and show me the way to trouble shoot this problem. If I can not solve this problem in this month maybe I can not finish my thesis at the time.

  • Hi,
    it dosn't matter which operating system the communication partners has.
    See, KRC1 (WIN95) and your PC (WIN98) run fine.
    The problem is, ser_sim is running only in DOS environment of a WIN98 (maybe also WIN95).
    XP has a complete other DOS version. I gess, there is direct access to memory (like sysoutbyte (..), ...) not allowed.
    You have to ask a XP specialist - i don't know nothing about Windows.

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  • Hello,
    may be You have done the work on Win98 for the trash.
    As I already mentioned (one week ago) in…ic=1939.msg10406#msg10406
    there is no easy way to use direct access to hardwareports.
    And if you have a look at the source from LindePaul you will see there are statements with direct access to the ports of the serial interface.

    So you have to use a program which uses the official API of windows. Otherwise you won't get a stable application.


  • Dearr Hemann,
    Many thank for your warning, but there is a big trouble so I need to overcome to graduate for master degree. And there is a reason why I ask you too much. I tried with your program written on Borland Delphi but I cannot compile them because you sent to me not enough file. Is there any different way to make the coomunication with KRC1? please let me know if you have another way. Thank you.

  • Hi,

    I think Herman didn´t send you a hole projekt. I think some *.dfm file was missing??
    This is only the form, window, however.
    You have to include the code about the communication into your own project (delphi for win 32) - then you can compile something.

    BR Stefan

  • Exactly, but I just begin with Borland Delphi and now I don't have enough time to write this program again, there are manu thing to do for graduating student now. Any way I would like to say thank for your commemt. Best regards

  • Hello,
    I'm sorry about your trouble with the lack of time.
    The reason for not giving the whole source of the project is the copyright.

    I did this code for a customer of me, and I am not allowed to give it away.
    But I have read some statements that it is possible to use the delphi-code in borland C-builder: Just use the normal installation procedure for components and open the delphi-code instead of the c-code.

    May be that you are also a beginner in C (not only in delphi), so (sorry for the clear words) it may be that you have too much work/problems in your current project.
    You cannot expect that all your problems will be solved by other people, and i think that you have got enough informations to solve your problem.

    In the newer robots there is a possibility to use raw communications on the serial port, so you can use standad serial components. But I am not sure wether this works on the older KRC1 (my own tests someyears ago failed).

    In the old robots there is a possibility to communicate with the robot via Crosscommexe, may be this is a solution, but therefore you will need some programming skills in Visual Basic. And the informations about this interface are only very small, so you will have again very much work.


  • Dear LindePaul,
    My robot is K15_1 with serial number 00913 - 1996 and robot controller (V)KR C1, GUI Version V2. 2. 8 core system KS V2.38 release 1998. All these information I get in KCP of robot.

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