SRVO-105 Door open or E.stop (Arcmate 100i, RJ3, 1999)

  • Hallo Robotfellas

    I keep getting this error (SRVO-105 Door open or E.stop ) the door on the small cabinett is closed (i have even tried the shortcurcuit the contactor)

    I assume that all the safety curcuits are jumped correct? (can you see if any are missing on the pictures)?

    Do you know which is causing this error?

    thanks... :help:

  • Do You have a keyswitch for the brakes? If this turns on it will make the same error. I believe there are some bridges to much, but this is not the reason.



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  • Thank you,

    no i dont have such brake switch..

    I have removed the wires you described, but still the error :(

    I think i will try to re-install the modeswitch and see if that removed the error..

  • You switched of the TP? On your picture is it on.

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  • Hi and thank you for all the usefull comments,

    I have checked and even jumped the switch..but with no luck. :(

    I will try to check the contactors..

    I think it is strange that the TP doesnt tell in wich mode (T1,T2,Auto) the robot this normal?

    Thanks again...

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