MC not downloaded/running error

  • Hallo,

    We have a s4c controller (wth DSQC361 main comp,DSQC373 robot comp,DSQC324 M.exp). One of our employees have made a cold start. Then he tried to install the system, but he has used a wrong sotfware RW3.0 instead of RW3.2. Right now, we cant install the program RW3.2. when the robot is cold started, it makes some of cold start tests till an error occurs (which is "uneexpected innterrupt").
    The last test which is made by the controller is # T1509: IOC IOC->MC Release MC. After this test it gives the error above
    I think that it cant make the test which is # T2002: MC Memory test (RWM) Destructive.

    In order to fix this problem, i think i have to load the boot-program (RW3.2) to main computer, but first of all i dont know how to erase the old one (RW3.0).
    How can i erase it? Can i do that from console with hypperterminal.

    Mit freundlichen grüssen

  • Hallo Cezanne,

    you have a small problem.
    When the employee had boot back the robot to RW 3.0 from RW 3.2, in this moment he kill the EPROM.
    I think ABB have a small flash tool to change back, to the old situation. But this tool is alone a 50/50 Chance.


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