CP5614 card in KR C2

  • I have transferred a CP5614 card from one KRC2 cabinet to another. The IO Driver configuration has been archived from the first cabinet and restored to the second cabinet.The card and configuration worked fine in the first cabinet.

    Now in the second cabinet the card is not working. No lights come on. Es gibt kein licht. The log file (roboter\log\pfbms.log) reads "missing FIRMWARE_PATH entry in file: pfbms.ini, section MASTER!"

    However the pfbms.ini ist wie folgt:


    FW_5613.bin exists in krc/roboter/drivers/
    FW5613A2.bin is not there but it is also missing in the other cabinets which do work.

    The card is not even starting up. If it starts i'm sure the rest of the configuration will be fine.
    :denk: :denk: :hilfe: :hilfe:
    CP5614 ist noch gut in andere cabinet. :danke:

  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • take some airhose with cleaning-nozzle and clean the pci-slot

    Wolfram (Cat) Henkel

    never forget Asimov's Laws at the programming of robots...

    "Safety is an integral part of function. No safety, no production. I don't buy a car without brakes."

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  • any light should lit up even if there's no LDB inserted

    Wolfram (Cat) Henkel

    never forget Asimov's Laws at the programming of robots...

    "Safety is an integral part of function. No safety, no production. I don't buy a car without brakes."

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