calibration and offset

  • Hi all,

    I have lots of IRB6600 robots (S4C+A M2000A controller). Im wondering that, if i change one of the axis motors of the robot, how can i get real offset values, how can i fix it without deviation?

    We can use calibration pendulum for that purpose (etalonage), but the calibration of an axis robot is always made without load (responsibility) embarked at the level of the wrist.
    Disassembling and assembling the load (like servogun,gripper) is wasting time.

    Is there any other way or procedure (any documentations) to get the robot into its exact position? :ylsuper: :ylsuper: :ylsuper:


  • take LaserLab of Wiest AG for that.

    Wolfram (Cat) Henkel

    never forget Asimov's Laws at the programming of robots...

    "Safety is an integral part of function. No safety, no production. I don't buy a car without brakes."

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