External Control of Mitsubishi Robot

  • Hello everyone,

    First I want to say sorry to writing in english (I don`t speak german). My name is Gabriel Schubert, I`m a Brazilian researcher at the Brazilian Laboratory of Sincrotron Light. I`m working with a Mitsubishi Robot RV-2F-D1 (Controller CR750-D) to do exchanging samples. I`m looking for some method to communicate with the controller through the line control system. Basically, I have to say to the controller `execute program 1` or `execute program 2`, and in some cases `execute program 3 with these variables: a, b, c`, something like that. I heard that, maybe, with mxt communication I`m able to do these things, but I don`t know how. Can someone help?

    Thanks for your attention.


  • Hello,

    and welcome to our forum.

    The good new is, that you can do all this things with your robot. The bad news is, that this is not described in the normal handbooks.

    There is a document "Connection with personal computer [RS232-C/Ethernet]" which lists the commands of the protocol that is used by the teaching box and the PC programming software, too. (Mxt communication is an additional feature for realtime control.)

    The normal handbooks are free for download in several Mitsubishi websites around the world. This is not the case for this document. For copyright reasons we are not allowed to post it here in the forum.

    The first address for getting this pdf is the dealer where you purchased the robot and who is maybe doing the service. If that doesn't work, contact the Mitsubishi office in your country. Maybe it helps if you tell them you are looking for document BFP-A4288-Q.

    If the local offices don't help, try the german, UK or USA branches. They should be able to help you.

    As a last resort, you can contact another dealer, like the company running this forum (Robtec), or my company (Battenberg Robotic).



  • Hello again,

    I've found a handbook that describes a way of doing real-time external control ([url=http://suport.siriustrading.ro/01.DocAct/6.%20Roboti%20industriali%20RI/6.4.%20Controllers/CR750,CR751%20-%20Instruction%20Manual%20(Ethernet%20Function)%20BFP-A3379-0%20(03.15).pdf]link here[/url]). It was about this you've talked about Urmel? I've tried to run the sample program, but no communication has opened with the controller.
    Has someone already done that? If yes, could you give me a help?
    Thank you everyone.

    And sorry typing in English. My German is quite bad.


  • Hello,

    I've found a handbook that describes a way of doing real-time external control

    This is normal handbook, and an older one. These handbooks are free to download in thier newest versions on the most national Mitsubishi Electric websites. For example here is the german website
    The offical handbooks for all Mitsubishi automation products are free to download.

    The manual I mentioned in my first answer is not a normal handbook.

    It was about this you've talked about Urmel?


    There are three ways for network communication with the controller:

    1) TCP/IP Communication with Print/Input (in your manual)
    2) TCP/IP Communication with R3-Protocoll (not in your manual) [This is for program download, start and control]
    3) UDP Realtime Communication with external C++ programm (in your manual)

    Has someone already done that?

    Look here (and there is much more at youtube)



  • Hello again.

    I've got the manual you've sad "Connection with personal computer[RS-232C/Ethernet]". I'm trying to do what I need using telnetlib with python and sending through this the commands on the manual. It's working, but when I try to end the telnet connection, it simply don't work.

    Do you have another idea to do this?

    Thank you again.

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