help programieren

  • Hallo, ich frage, diese Frage auf Englisch, weil mein Deutsch schreiben ist nicht so gut ,
    hier ist sie:
    I have a kuka with crc1 controller
    i use it for Tig welding stainless steel constructions
    i have a question about how can i make programming parameters made simple.
    this is my problem, i use 2 variables for welding, weld current, en wire feed speed
    so when i write my program, and i start welding, this is a piece of my code:

    ….code ….
    z_wirespeed = 50 ; this is the speed of the external wire feeder)
    z_current = 120 ; this is the welding current
    o_shieldgas = true ; this is shield gas turned on
    o_startwelding = true ; this starts the welding
    … code …
    after welding i need to stop my welding source

    o_startwelding = false
    o_shieldgas = false

    the problem is when its an horizontal weld, the parameters differ from a vertical weld
    so i constant need to change these parameters (variables) and it becomes a great and long program

    I want it to look like this, in one line:
    and if it is possible one command to start welding, and put on the shield gas etc.
    how do i do this ?

    Bart. (Belgien)

  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • this will be possible.
    for a subroutine make a separate src without a ini-fold.

    the def-line of the src may have two attributes:

    DEF  weld (current :IN,speed :IN )

    then declare the vars:

    int current
    int speed

    now you can go on....

    Wolfram (Cat) Henkel

    never forget Asimov's Laws at the programming of robots...

    "Safety is an integral part of function. No safety, no production. I don't buy a car without brakes."

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  • a little advice:

    you can jump in the program with the trigger function.
    The advantage ist, that the robot will not stop when you switch the values.


    trigger when distance = 0 DO weld(50,120) prio = -1 ; you have to set a priority for programms, -1 should mean "use what you want", else take something else / some are reserved!
    lin weldpos c_vel

    the outputs may have to be continued to make this work

    z_wirespeed = 50  ; this is the speed of the external wire feeder)
    z_current = 120 ; this is the welding current
    o_shieldgas = true ; this is shield gas turned on
    o_startwelding = true ; this starts the welding

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