Code block deletion not working in KRC 5.6.8 while program is selected

  • Hello all,

    Today I’ve received a call from one of my customers telling me that with the new machine I’ve sold them he can’t delete code blocks like he is doing with older machines.

    It seems that the operator is used to select programs and edit them in expert mode.

    The old cell has the 5.2.15 version installed.
    The new cell has the 5.6.8 version installed.

    The user is doing those steps:

    1. Select program.
    2. Run and work with the program.
    3. Stop the program.
    4. Select a complete code block (shift + cursor).
    5. Press delete.
    6. Answer yes to the question “are you sure you want to delete…”
    7. The cursor goes up to the beginning of the program.
    8. Then the user goes to the specified line in order to see if the code block has been deleted or not.
    8.a. And in the old robots the code block is gone. [expected behavior].
    8.b. And in the new robot the code block is still there. [unexpected behavior].

    Is it possible to get the old behavior implemented into the new cell?

    As always thank you in advance!

  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • Is that right Hermann?

    It seems that the code block is an IF/ENDIF block... is that right?

    Won't the robot it delete that code fragment? my customer has promised me that this is working in the old robot system...

  • If the program is in selected mode, kuka starts interpreting the code line after line.

    So, if you delete an "if" statement there will also be an remaining "endif" statement.

    Then the intepreter will now detect an "endif" without an "if" and denies the block deletion to prevent an programming error in this selected program.

    Therefore i think Hermann is right. And i dont think that another version deals a situation like that in a different way...

    Maybe kuka knows some differences between the different versions....

  • It's only possible in editmode! There's no difference between the versions. You can't delete blocks like "if...endif", "loop..endloop" in selection mode - even if you're in expertmode.

    Greetings, Irrer Polterer!

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