HILFE PB Fehler 5614A2 CPV14-GE-DI02-8 CP-E16-Cl-KL

  • Hallo zusammen und :hilfe:

    Habe seit gestern Probleme meinen Profibus zum laufen zu bekommen.

    "Fehler beim Lesen Treiber CP561DRV" und "Profibus: Kommunikationsfehler in Modul3"

    Habe meine .ldb mit NCM 5.4 erzeugt.
    Alle Stecker und Kabel wurden nochmal geprüft. Daran liegt es nicht.
    Da noch keine SPS vorhanden ist , ist auch nur der PB1 auf der 5614A2 gesteckt.
    von da geht es auf die Ventilinsel und zum zusätzlichen EAModul.

    Kann mir jemand helfen ????
    Danke im Voraus
    ; IOSYS.INI - Configuration file for the IO-System
    ; For configuration help go to the end of this file.

    ; ATTENTION !!!! Since V5.0 Build13 we have removed the DeviceNet
    ; driver "dndrv.o". Now you have to use the driver
    ; "dn2drv.o" and the appropriate syntax (form 2)








  • FILE_PTR_POS=007958
    29/10/11 05:57:55 : Logfile for Profibus CP5613/14 (V2.04 Build5 for Rel5.6 )
    29/10/11 05:57:55 : Downloading Firmware and Database.........
    29/10/11 05:57:56 : CP5613/14 started!
    29/10/11 05:57:56 : Master Application registered at the CP!
    29/10/11 05:57:56 : Accessed pointer to DPR from CP!
    29/10/11 05:57:56 : Hardware version: 8.04
    29/10/11 05:57:56 : Firmware version: 6.03
    29/10/11 05:57:56 : Master baudrate : 1,5 MB
    29/10/11 05:57:57 : next CP state: DP_STOP
    29/10/11 05:57:57 : DP_Master has changed mode to: DP_STOP
    29/10/11 05:57:57 : next CP state: DP_CLEAR
    29/10/11 05:57:57 : DP_Master has changed mode to: DP_CLEAR
    29/10/11 05:57:57 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:57 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:58 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:58 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:58 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:58 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:59 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:59 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:59 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:59 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:59 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:59 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:59 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:59 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:59 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:57:59 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:00 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:00 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:00 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:00 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:00 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:00 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:00 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:00 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:00 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:00 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:01 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:01 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:01 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:01 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:01 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:01 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:01 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:01 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:01 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:01 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:02 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:02 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:02 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:02 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:02 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:02 : CP_IO_RESTART: Waiting for all modules being in state ready!
    29/10/11 05:58:02 : next CP state: DP_OPERATE
    29/10/11 05:58:02 : DP_Master has changed mode to: DP_OPERATE
    ===== LAST_ENTRY =====

  • 29/10/11 05:58:02 : next CP state: DP_OPERATE
    29/10/11 05:58:02 : DP_Master has changed mode to: DP_OPERATE

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