Inlineform Error

  • I have a problem when I export the program simulated with Officlite v4.17 to robot v5.0. The error message is:

    Inlineform "SetToolTurnIncr" unknown (Technology:TAM).

    What can be the problem?


  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • Hi,

    a few years ago, I also prepared software with office lite V4.xx for V5.xx robots.
    In fact I didn´t have the same problem. May be caused by an newer V5.xx version, you use.

    I just can give you the suggestion, to create a command on the robot and compare the inline form with an simple text editor.
    Guess, you need to modify your program by "search and replace"

    BR Stefan

  • Hi,

    The problem might not find the *. KFD file or not load the file into memory. If the second option is how you can do to upload?

    I do a "TP Reinitialize User" and "BOF Reinitialize"


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