abb1400 boot

  • hello , i have 2 abb 1400 s4 m94a robots , my problem is that after i have made a new install af bootdisks ( basic 2,0 ) , the position of the robot is wrong .
    I have installed the old resolver values , and updated the rev counters , what is Wrong/missing ?

    regards torben59

  • Hello torben59,

    you can check two things.
    First: Its a very old system. You have the correct resolver values? Nobody change the motors or the mechanic?When you have a old backup (befor the boot), check this in the moc.cfg. :zwink:
    Please look of the robot or in the controller, you will find a sticker from the values.
    Second: After the reboot from the system, you must activate the parameters in the systemparameters. Check follow: Other windows --> SystemParameter --> Parameter --> Motor Calib --> Button from Resolver Values of yes.
    Is this all ok, then move the robot in the zeroposition and check the calibration marks.
    Is the robot in the correct position, you can do nothing more.


  • thanks for your quick answer :) . i had a serius failure and an abb guy advised me to reboot the system , nothing have been changed ( moto
    rs etc.)
    i will try this in the morning
    thanks :mrgreen:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von torben59 ()

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