FlexPendant&RS Online

  • Dear All,

    My robot system is IRB4400-M2004 and robot controller is IRC5, Robot Ware V5.07 4002 that is installed in 3 months ago, another PC is installed by Robot Studio Online.
    Normally all system run stability, however after my friend do some tasks on studio online (I don't know exactly what he done), the start up sequence is fault, that s describes in more detail:
    I start up robot controller IRC5 again by switch on the main switch, after Boot Loader running, on FlexPendant appears Boot Application dialog box with 4 buttons: Install System, System Setting, Select System and Start Controller. I pushed Start Controller button again and the start up sequence still stop at Boot Application box.

    So I would like ask all of you:
    1. What is wrong with start up sequence of IRC5?
    2. Is there any problem with robot controller and RS Online?
    3. Do I need to install system again? If so how to do it?
    I have refer on Trouble Shooting Manual and saw that we can Install System by USB but I don't understand what does it mean? In restart types I saw there are 5 different ways to restart such as B, I, P, X, C start and which one i could choice to restart again?
    Any one known this problem please show me detail. Many thank for your help

  • Hello kiethnt,

    when you press the button "select system" what does the controller show? Normally you have a box with at least one system in it. If the box is empty, you need to install a system.
    The easy way to to this is using a backup in Robot Studio online to create a new system. If you don't have a backup you will need the key-strings to set up a new system. If you have nor of them you have a problem and need to contact ABB for the key-string of this robot.


  • Dear Stromer
    Many thank for your reply.

    After I press Select System button, there is no system appears in dialog box. So you means that I should install a new system in FlexPendant alright?
    As your mentions as above, the easy way is using a back up in Robot Studio online , so i want to ask where can I get it and How to it? Please show me in detail because I'm not familarly with this system.

    If I don't have a back up, you means I should create a new system in Robot Studio Online and get the key-strings from ABB. So can you show me how to create a new system in Robot Studio online and where can I get key-string from ABB? You can send email to me by kiethnt@yahoo.com

    Many thank for your help

  • I thing to make a complete decription of how to instal a new System would lead to far. But at least you will need the CD's which was delivered with the robot. On the cd you will find robotware, robotstudio online and the documentation. In the docu you wil find the description of how to install a system.
    The backup - well if you have none now, there will be no way to make one.

    One more thing: the key-string is also delivered with the robot.

    best regards

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