EIO_CROSS and circular references...

  • Hello all,

    I would like to be able to use the EIO_CROSS section of my EIO file in order to be able to make my outputs dependant on one variable.

    What I'd like to achieve is something like:


    But I receive the error 71037.

    The way I've written the dependency in the EIO.CFG is this one:



    -Res "BXdobC1EinaFlot" -Act1 "BXdobC1EinaFlot" -Oper1 "AND"\
    -Act2 "BXdoRbMotorsON"


    As always thank you in advance.

  • Hi Joan,
    you can't use a actor signal as result signal! When you read the description for this error 71037. Check the manual for the error messages, please.


    P.S.: You can also use the english fourm http://www.robot-forum.com ;)

    Wer nichts macht, macht keine Fehler!

    Wer keine Fehler macht, kann nichts daraus lernen!

    Wer nichts lernen kann, kann sich nicht weiterentwickeln!

    Wer sich nicht entwickelt, geht unter!

  • Of course, I've read the manual, my question was more on the side of "do you know of any trick that could allow that to be possible?".

    Anyway, thank you for your feedback.

  • Okay, sorry.
    You need a second condition for your result signal. Maybe you can used a virtural board and then you can use this like a variable, maybe.
    But the other thing is, I don't know really what you want do?


    Wer nichts macht, macht keine Fehler!

    Wer keine Fehler macht, kann nichts daraus lernen!

    Wer nichts lernen kann, kann sich nicht weiterentwickeln!

    Wer sich nicht entwickelt, geht unter!

  • Joan,

    as Sven already said, you'll need a second independent Signal that acts as a "gate" to control the logical output.
    This could be, for example, any available Output if you got one spare.


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