serial communication problem

  • Hello;
    I a have similar problem as in the te topic:…_on_krc2_415-t1906.0.html

    i started the new thread because that one was more than a year old and i'd not want it tobe missed.
    So my problem is:
    Im trying to communicate with krc1 4.1.7 through the serial connection, i think i read all the necessary documentation regarding this case but i still cant do it.
    Im using com1 and i changed and set all parameters in files: serial.ini hw_inf.ini and even in bosh.ini and percept.ini but i dont really know what are they for:-)
    i tried various of modification in those settings but when i try to write data all i get is

    msg_abort in state varible or:

    msg_ok and
    00000010 (2)
    00000010 (2)
    00000010 (2)
    00000010 (2)
    00000010 (2)
    00000010 (2)
    00010101 (21)
    on the other side no matter what i send.

    reading data doesn't work as well

    Parameters of communication i use: BAUD = 9600;CHAR_LEN = 8; STOP_BIT = 1;PARITY = 0

    i thouht i may be writing wrong commands in the editor but i got a program that suppose to work and it gave the same results i have no idea why

    i read the topic i mentioned but i cant find the solution to my problem there, i checked the DSR_LINE and tried to set it on 1 and it didnt help either

    If you have any idea what is happening please respond
    thanks in advance

    if its possible please write in english, my german is not very good and i'd like to understand what you write:-) because its very important to me

  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • Sorry for the late reply.

    As far as I know serial port one is used for the mouse. You have to use COM3. Most likely its the connector which is a bit off from the rest of the connectors.

    Good luck!

    If you and DEAD people can read Hex, how many people can read Hex?

  • Hi,

    you have selected the protocol 3964R (PROC=1) in the serial.ini. This protocol is trying to establish a connection sending STX (0x02) 6 times. If the port will not get a answer from the device, it will send a NAK (0x15) and close the port.

    Which protocol do you want to use ?

    Please use COM2, on COM1 is a mouse_hot_plug_driver installed which is disturbing the "normal" serial communication.

    Wer nach allen Seiten offen ist kann nicht ganz dicht sein

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