
  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • I don't think so because I have to check the configuation of serial communication there is have XON/XOFF in serial.ini file. Please see the attachment file below:
    Anyway I want to say thank a lot for your mention.

  • Dear LindePaul,
    My robot system has implemented with KUKA OfficeLite but untill now I do'nt see any document guide to use this software so I would like ask you some question about using KUKA OfficLite:
    1. Can I use CREAD, CWRITE,COPEN,CCLOSE statement on KUKA OfficeLite to communication with External PC?
    2. If so, please show me how to do this?

  • Dear Kiethnt,

    it is NOT possible to use the serial communication on a KUKA OfficeLite.
    The cause is the missing hardware MFC (multi function card).

    You have to use a OfficePC with MFC, KUKA VGA and KCP.

    I feel sorry for you
    Gruss Lindepaul

    Wer nach allen Seiten offen ist kann nicht ganz dicht sein

  • Sorry LindePaul,
    I still not understand clearly your answer. You means that we can not get data from external PC both of serial communication and Internet in KUKA OfficeLite enviroment.

  • Dear Mr Lindemann,
    I would like to say thank during last time for your support so now I have some problem about using KUKA Sim more:
    1. My robot is KRC1 and KUKA Sim V1.0 but I don't understand why I can not download robot program to KRC1 via floppy disk (notice that is made on KUKA Sim by push KRC icon and then export to KRL file .src).
    2. I f I want to download that program via Ehternet, please show me how to do it?
    Many thank for your support.

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