Differences between KRC4 and KRC5 ProfiSafe

  • I'm setting up everything for the arrival of 2 robots, a KRC4 with KSS 8.6 and a KRC5 with KSS 8.7, but I don't know if there are any difference related to ProfiSafe, specially with the ammount of signals that I need to write to or read from the robots or it's behaviour.

  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • Go to the KUKA Xpert portal and look up KSS 8.7 for example. There you can see the list of all supported tech options and their versions.

    So clicking on option will lead you to its own info page. That also applies to SafeOperation. Manual for it is where safety signals are defined.

    You can do the same steps for any other KSS (such as 8.6) and compare the documents yourself.

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