Posts by panic mode

    Wie gesagt ... $OUT braucht Zustimmtaste...

    KUKA training would be recommended

    unlike other variables, I/O are handled differently - accessing I/O triggers advance run stop (Vorlauf stop). and toggling outputs from HMI requires Drives On. That would be some of reasons to avoid using I/O as internal variables or for direct access.

    if you are getting messages displayed, that is a good sign.

    but.. try using your own BOOL variable instead of an output.

    for example add in $CONFIG.DAT something like

    DECL BOOL ClavisTrigger = FALSE

    then use that instead of the output...

    btw, outputs require drives on.

    also if i recall $OUT[138] is by default used as system output... if so, you cannot control that output unless you change the signal mapping

    don't do that...

    inputs are read only... and outputs can be toggled... but... this requires that drives are on.

    it is much better to use BOOL variable instead of I/O. you can then have Submit set/rest outputs when value of your variable suggests so.

    no... as hinted by Martin Huber they are not really compatible...

    those instructions are processed by different motion planners. but...KSS only can use one of them at any time...

    so every time KSS encounters motion instruction that is handled by another planner, things are reset and it looks just like advance run stop. ...because new motion planner has to start from scratch... and as a result there is ALWAYS a pause in robot path...

    so if you do not like robot to pause at those path transitions... stop transitioning...

    pick one motion planner and stay with it... for as long as you can (or until robot has to come to a stop anyway), and then use instruction that is handled by another motion planner...

    motion planner 1 is handling all legacy motions (PTP, LIN, CIRC).

    motion planner 2 is handling all new motions (SPTP, SLIN, SCRIC, anything starting with S....)

    in other words...


    PTP PreLevel[nCurrentLevel] C_PTP


    SPTP PreLevel[nCurrentLevel] C_PTP

    Hi Joka,

    CWRITE($CMD,STAT,MODE,"RUN /R1/CELL()") bedeutet nur, dass du CELL() anwählst.

    Starten tust du den Roboter über "Extern Start"

    Infos im Anhang.

    eigentlich das ist falsch....

    as tested on several different KSS versions:

    that line will only select program, if the drives are not on, or if move enable is false...
    later on when the drives are on and move enable is true, ":extern start" is needed to run program.


    if the drives are on (and move enable is true). that line of code will start program immediately (not just select it). there is no need for "extern start".

    es gibt zwei Moeglichkeiten...

    plenty of online articles and videos deal with "useless box". they are so common one can buy them on Amazon. those are using small motors and gears which ... can be noisy ... and somewhat slow. there is tons of other actuators (solenoids, pneumatic cylinders, servos...) that could be used. not sure what your intended application is. there is a huge difference between road-side attraction and concert hall experience.

    aber wie immer gibt es mehr als einen Weg.

    Man kann dasselbe auch mit einfachen Windows-Formularen tun:
    1. Fenster 800 x 600 erstellen (das ist der Anzeigebereich des SmartPads)
    2. randlos machen
    3. an <0,0> verankern
    4. transparent machen
    5. TopMost auf true setzen.

    jetzt haben Sie ein durchsichtiges Fenster, das auf Mausereignisse reagieren kann.

    $OV ist fuer Bediener gedacht... und soll immer bedienbar sein... ich habe es nicht getested abe so was sollte klappen...

    Der Inbetriebnahmemodus funktioniert nicht immer... bei KSS8.2 (und teilweise auch bei KSS8.3) muss der Stecker X11 abgesteckt werden. Bei ProfiSafe, CipSafe oder FSoE muss das SPS-Netzwerkkabel abgesteckt werden.

    ich wurde KrcDiag neu erstellen und by KUKA überprüfen lassen...


    Versorgung mangelhaft (zB. AC Spannungsstoß, oder X21-X31, sehen ob Stecker sitzen fest, vieleicht O-ring fehlt...)

    Encoder Stecker /Leitung oder Schirm beschädigt.

    lehre Akkus

    kollision (roboter fährt Punkte nicht genau usw.) oder Roboter war grob behandelt (stoß... ?)

    software (RDC firmware/KSS version - KrcDiag noetig )