Kuka inverse kinematic

  • Dear all,

    I am author of DrES editor (known as Dramat editor).

    I am looking for somebody who could help me to improve calculating inverse kinematic for the Kuka robot.

    For now my editor is able to calculate inverse kinematic but only for certain points.

    Sometimes the calculation gives me no results but for sure there exists at least one solution.

    In the documentation of VKRC 4 robot to define bits for status and turn we can read:

    Does anybody know what does it mean?

    Where we can find this offset in machine.dat ?

    I am looking for somebody with theoretical and practical knowledge in robotic field.

    I don't want to start here big discussion.

    I would like to find a professional partner to solve this task.

    Unfortunately my friend, PhD of robotic, gave up ;(

  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • I don't want to start here big discussion.

    Hallo DrAmaT,

    Wir sind ein offenes Forum und jedes Mitglied kann mitdiskutieren und sein Wissen dazu beitragen.

    Offset ist aus $TX3P3 der Transformation (Z-Wert)


    FRAME $TX3P3={X 1000.0,Y 0.0,Z -45.0,A 0.0,B 90.0,C 0.0} ;ANBRINGUNG DER ROBOTERHAND

    Infos dazu findest Du in Doku KSS_85_configuration_of_kinematic_systems_de.pdf

    Kannst diese downloaden im KUKA Expert.

    Gruss SJX


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