External storage/loading of MXT files

  • Hello,
    My german is not that good, so I think it would be better to write in english :).
    I am trying to get a CRn500 Controller to work with large MXT files, which cannot be copied to the controller. The first thing I tried was the real-time tranfser of MXT files to the controller over the Ethernet.
    It works great, but talking with some colleagues of mine I heard that it should be possible to break the big MXT file in smaller parts and tell the controller to automatically load the MXT files from an external storage, execute the file, delete it when completed, load the next one and so on...
    Unfortunately there is no information in the manual about such features.
    So I wonder if its possible to use some kind of external storage for the MXT files?
    As I said the real-time transfer in MXT mode works great, but using an external storage would make the things much, much easier.

    PS By the way, the forum is great...some really useful information can be found here...glad I found it :)

  • Hi,

    It works great, but talking with some colleagues of mine I heard that it should be possible to break the big MXT file in smaller parts and tell the controller to automatically load the MXT files from an external storage, execute the file, delete it when completed, load the next one and so on...

    I have never heard about this. Are you sure this works with a normal robot controller ? It is clear, that this works with a Q-Controller robot. There you can use an additional C++ CPU like a Q12DCCPU, which stores the files on its SD-card and sends them via network to the robot CPU.

    Maybe it is possible to use a memory expansion on your controller. The CR1DA-700 here on my desk has a slot labeled "MEMORY CASSETTE" on its back. Also a 700 controller has three times more memory than a 500.

    Unfortunately there is no information in the manual about such features.

    Could be a special feature for some customer. Only Mitsubishi can tell.



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