• Hallo everybody
    I made a simple move - trajectory only with one axis (A6) all the others no move.
    the simple program is a countinious move from a point to other , pause and go back.
    During the move I switch from #AUT to #T2 , the roboter stop quickly.
    For restart , after switch again to #AUT and give power to axis I found 3 case :
    1) $ON_PATH = TRUE ($NEAR_POSRET is always true in all the 3 case)
    The robot restart with a simple start push (Green button)
    2) $ON_PATH = FALSE
    (the axis pass a little bit the command position)
    The robot make a little slow move backward and then restart in the right direction
    Also in this case I give only one little push on the start button
    3) $ON_PATH = FALSE
    Sometime I must push and keep pushed the START during all the robot move (like go to sak - bco)
    then I release and push again

    I like understand how to discriminate the 2 and 3 case , which variable I can test to preview the starting - type


  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!

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