Encrypt modules?

  • Hello all,

    I would like to be able to encrypt some modules that are libraries we have developed.

    Doing that we can ensure that our source code will never be available for our competitors and that some code that must not be modified will not be able to be modified.

    I know that it is possible to encrypt some modules, in fact I've bought some of them encrypted from different companies in order to get special functionalities.

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • Hi Joan,

    I was aware that some ABB system modules have been encrypted but I haven't read or heared anything
    about doing this on your own.
    Maybe there is a special encryption software or method reserved for ABB and/or partner companies
    or they offer a chargeable service for this (?)

    Maybe you should contact ABB directly in this case.
    If you get any information on that, please let us know.

    Sorry for not being so helpful... :cry:

  • Hello Joan,

    to my knowledge only ABB can do this encryption for you. Theres no possibility for you to do this by yourself. Next Problem is that once encrypted, you can not do any modification on your code. If you need to change something you have to go to ABB again for encryption.
    I have no idea about he price for encryption.


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