IRB4400 and S4C+

  • Dear all,
    Any body who have the manual of IRB4400 and S4C+ please give me? My friend just gave me a crack version of ABB Robot Studio V 5.0 but I known how to use it so I would like ask all of you Is there any guide book to use this software? If so please show me. Thank for your support.

  • Hello

    In the manual of the robot 4400 or the controler S4C is no information for the robot studio. But with all robots, there is (i think jear 2003 or 04) a movie with screen shots and you can learn robot studio with this.

    i hope its enough for you

    greetings Burlibua

  • Dear all,
    Any body who have a hardware connection diagram of IRB4400 and IRC5 please give me because now I facing with a trouble of an error "Over temperature of DRV1". Please help me.

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