M16/iB robot mastering

  • Hello All,
    Another Fanuc question:

    Have a robot that has been mastered in the past by means of the index marks on each axis, and not with the official Fanuc mastering jig. :shock:
    When it was done all the points were out of position by about 8mm and so all the points were re-taught.

    Is it still possible to change an encoder on one of the motors without having to re-teach all the points in the programs?
    Or will it spoil my weekend?

  • Hello,

    in case that all the postions have an offset from 8mm just use the "programm shift" application. This application is installed on all Fanuc Robots and is very easy to use. You only need a source point in your programm and the programm will shift all the other locations by the amout of the old source (programm 8 mm).You can find the application under hints "programm shift".

    I hope your weekend is not spoiled. :supi:

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