Mitsubishi & Cognex

  • Hello!

    I am having trouble with communication between a Mitsubishi robot and Cognex in-sight camera.

    Previously I was working with Melfa-vision and the program automatically sets up the cells needed for transfering the camera cordinates to robot coordinates, also it reads out the coordinates about the location of the workpiece, so all I needed to do, was to copy the locations of the wanted cells into the robot program using NVPST command (melfa basic IV).

    Now I am trying to do practically the same, but using the cognex software In-Sight explorer. Does anybody maybe know, can I use the same command NVPST, but with locations of the cells in the spreadsheet view (can not make it work for a couple of days now) or do I need a different command and send the cell values manually to the robot.

    I am looking forward to any kind of information! Best regards!

  • Hello,

    as far as i know Melfa Vision is based on Cognex, too.

    If it uses some standard Cognex protocol it max be possible to use other Cognex parts with it. But i haven't seen any documentation about this details.

    Without documentation it might be better to program your own data transfer. You can find some information about communication with Mitsubishi robots in our german section here.

    Kind regards


  • Thank you for the advice, but my German language is not good enough to read through the technical themes.

    Yes, Melfa-Vision is based on Cognex.

    I gave up trying to making it work in In-Sight explorer, so I am back to Melfa-Vision.

    Can anybody help me about how to make the LED ringlights work. Everytime I try to change the settings in Gridview "Image" so they would flash on exposure, the whole program shuts down.

    Is there another way to turn them on?

    Best regards!

  • Hello!

    I worked out everything. You need both programs.

    In short:
    The best way is if you create a .job with melfa-vision, then you can open it with In-sight explorer in spreadsheet view, do almost anything you want with it and then save it to the camera. In the robot program later, just call for the cells that melfa-vision gives you and with a little luck everything will work like you imagined it.

    Thank you anyway!

    Best regards!

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