motor data

  • Sorry, wrong backup

    ;Customer version for internal control tasks
    ; 1 = KUKA (Basic type)
    ; 2 = VW (VKRC 1)
    ; 3 = KUKA (without mode T2)
    ; 4 = GM (General Motors !! not for R2.2.8 and lower !!)
    ; 5= KUKA (mit E2/E7 Schliessung)

    I still have the follow problem:

    1 - When we try to use the Automatic mode the robot says: (no. 221 ) MODE INADMISSIBLE E 2

    2 - How to enable the T2 mode without install again? I remenber that we can change a ";" in a .dat file.

    Tiago / Brazil

  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • I would try KUNDEN_VERSION =1 (Basic Type)

    In old archives of projects with two or one external axis, whether linear or rotate this value is always 1

    should have no bearing on external axis

  • Very good!!

    but now when I move the robot to z+ the robot goes to x+ , i am using null frame, moving in manual global mode

    Tiago / Brazil

  • @ Tiago Josué

    I guess your last problem isn't concerned with external axis and their adjustements (seems allright to me)

    Don't know the reason, maybe wrong Mada?

    I would first test the robot at is own, inputing again Mada from Disk

    To "turn on/off external axis" for trying robot self-contained you can use $EX_AX_NUM=0 (machine.dat) and $EXT_AXis=False (Option.dat)

    Sorry about level of uncertainty so far - is no robot avaible for me - so i have to remember :denk:

    Good luck


  • Hey people!

    I found the problem! I adjusted the external axis to ERSYS, when I turned the axis, the coordinate of robot changed together! Now I am using NONE. :uglyhammer_2:

    When can I use ERSYS, EASYS....?

    In this process I will need to weld a external face of a cylinder (horizontal), a continuous 360 degree welding. How can I adjust correctly the software to use the specific speed? :denk:

    Tiago / Brazil

  • Hi Tiago Josue

    Oh, I am pleased about your success :beerchug: but seems I was on the wrong track. :biggrins:

    About your question - Look in this thread: Martin Huber explained the implementation of ERSYS and EASYS


  • Hello,

    I just wanted to correct Martin Hubers explanation of ERSYS and EASYS,..,EFSYS:

    ERSYS does not tell if the axis is linear or not. This is done by means of $AXIS_TYPE = 1.

    ERSYS means the external kinematic is put in beetween the relation $WORLD -> robot base . That is the robot is mounted on the external kinematic (usually a single linear axis!). Only a single external kinematic of this type with up to 3 axes is allowed.

    On contrary EASYS,...,EFSYS configures up to six different external kinematics in the relation $WORLD -> $BASE with each external kinematics comprised of up to 3 axes. That is the position of the robot does not dependent on the position of the external kinematic.


  • I am trying to adjust the root point calibration, but every time i see that the tolerance (5mm) is out (>100mm)!

    I touch in edge of the table (7 th axis) with the robot (TCP), after this I turn the table and touch the same point again, I repeat this process more 3x.

    Tiago / Brazil

  • Hi Tiago Josue
    me again - :jawohl:

    If not already done: set this values to zero

    FRAME $ET1_TA2A1={X 0.0,Y 0.0,Z 0.0,A 0.0,B 0.0,C 0.0} ;ZWISCHEN A2 UND A1
    FRAME $ET1_TA3A2={X 0.0,Y 0.0,Z 0.0,A 0.0,B 0.0,C 0.0} ;ZWISCHEN A3 UND A2
    FRAME $ET1_TFLA3={X 0.0,Y 0.0,Z 0.0,A 0.0,B 0.0,C -90.0} ;ZWISCHEN FL UND A3
    FRAME $ET1_TPINFL={X 0.0,Y 0.0,Z 0.0,A 0.0,B 0.0,C 0.0} ;ZWISCHEN MESSPUNKT UND FL

    then you need a referencepoint on your "turntable". In your case the distance from Referencepoint to the center of rotation is the Referencetool, which you have to create manually. If for example the distance is 200mm i would simply set x-coordinate of my referncetool to 200 as a start.

    And you need of course the "robot-tcp" :mrgreen:

    Then do the setup-procedure External kinematic > Root point.

    Good luck

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