Usereingabe ueber TP im Automatik

  • Hallo Jungs,

    die Runde ging an den gelben,

    um beim nächsten Kampf besser zu sein brauche ich einen Trainer.


    Nach einer Meldung auf dem TP mittels einer Taste auf dem TP ein Auswahl treffen. :kopfkratz:

    ABB (Instruktion TpRead)
    KUKA (MSG Box)

    Wer kann mir diesbezüglich weiterhelfen

    Thanks in voraus

    Man lernt nie aus / Stillstand gleich Rückschritt

  • 14.2.3 Teach Pendant Input and Output Signals (TPIN/TPOUT)

    The teach pendant input signals (TPIN) provide read access to input signals generated by the teach pendant keys. Teach pendant inputs can be accessed through the TPIN port arrays. A KAREL program treats teach pendant input data as a BOOLEAN data type. The value is either ON (active--the key is pressed) or OFF (inactive--the key is not pressed). TPIN signals are accessed in KAREL programs by the name TPIN[n], where ``n'' is the signal number, which is assigned internally. Refer to Table 14-7 for teach pendant input signal assignments.
    Table 14-7 . Teach Pendant Input Signal Assignments


    TPIN[249] ON/OFF switch
    TPIN[247] Right DEADMAN switch
    TPIN[248] Left DEADMAN switch

    Arrow Keys
    TPIN[212] Up arrow
    TPIN[213] Down arrow
    TPIN[208] Right arrow
    TPIN[209] Left arrow

    Keypad Keys (shifted or unshifted)
    TPIN[13] ENTER
    TPIN[48] 0
    TPIN[49] 1
    TPIN[50] 2
    TPIN[51] 3
    TPIN[52] 4
    TPIN[53] 5
    TPIN[54] 6
    TPIN[55] 7
    TPIN[56] 8
    TPIN[57] 9

    Function Keys
    TPIN[128] PREV
    TPIN[129] F1
    TPIN[131] F2
    TPIN[132] F3
    TPIN[133] F4
    TPIN[134] F5
    TPIN[135] NEXT

    Menu Keys
    TPIN[143] SELECT
    TPIN[144] MENUS
    TPIN[145] EDIT
    TPIN[146] DATA
    TPIN[147] FCTN

    Menu Keys
    TPIN[148] ITEM
    TPIN[149] +%
    TPIN[150] -%
    TPIN[151] HOLD
    TPIN[152] STEP
    TPIN[153] RESET

    User Function Keys
    TPIN[173] USER KEY 1
    TPIN[174] USER KEY 2
    TPIN[175] USER KEY 3
    TPIN[176] USER KEY 4
    TPIN[177] USER KEY 5
    TPIN[178] USER KEY 6
    TPIN[210] USER KEY 7

    Motion Keys
    TPIN[185] FWD
    TPIN[186] BWD
    TPIN[187] COORD
    TPIN[188] +X
    TPIN[189] +Y
    TPIN[190] +Z
    TPIN[191] +X rotation
    TPIN[192] +Y rotation
    TPIN[193] +Z rotation
    TPIN[194] -X
    TPIN[195] -Y
    TPIN[196] -Z
    TPIN[197] -X rotation
    TPIN[198] -Y rotation
    TPIN[199] -Z rotation

    Three teach pendant output signals are available for use:
    * · TPOUT[6] - controls teach pendant USER LED #1
    * · TPOUT[7] - controls teach pendant USER LED #2
    * · TPOUT[8] - controls teach pendant USER LED #3

    Wolfram (Cat) Henkel

    never forget Asimov's Laws at the programming of robots...

    "Safety is an integral part of function. No safety, no production. I don't buy a car without brakes."

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