How to run KUKA KR-C4 KRL externally (Laptop using python) with KVP message

  • Hello everyone

    I installed a KUKAVARPROXY server in a KUKA KRC4 Compact controller.

    the client is a Python OpenShowVar

    the question is how to run the KRL program by a Python message through the KUKAVARPROXY.

    thanks in advance.

  • Schritt für Schritt zum Roboterprofi!
  • if you are going to ask in English, why not post in English section of robot forum?

    then describe what you mean by "i installed it..."

    does that mean you placed executable file on controller?

    and added startup shortcut?

    and opened port in KLI?

    does your PC running client have KLI compatible network settings?

    is your PC running client connected to KLI?

    can you ping KLI?

  • once you get client working, you can use it to read/write variables...

    to actually get something else done (like select/start/stop/deselect program) you need to write some code on the robot side. check CWRITE documentation and system integrators manual. this command can do what you want.

  • 1-does that mean you placed executable file on controller?


    2-and added startup shortcut?


    3-and opened port in KLI?


    4-does your PC running client have KLI compatible network settings?


    5-is your PC running client connected to KLI?


    6-can you ping KLI?


    sps.sub file:

     ;Automatik extern

    my problem is when i switch the key to automatic ext my code in cell.src doesn't run automatically

    i can't figure it out

    even when i send a python message

    k.write("$EXT_START", True)

    kuka cell code doesn't run automatically

    i tried what was mentioned in previous threads as this one


    but nothing happened

    So could you please inform about that.

    Thanks. :/

  • kuka cell code doesn't run automatically

    That's normal.

    You have to use system-inputs from automatic extern to start the program.

    Possible via crossconnection set Outputs in sps.sub, connected to the systeminputs.

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  • my problem is when i switch the key to automatic ext my code in cell.src doesn't run automatically

    i can't figure it out

    even when i send a python message

    k.write("$EXT_START", True)

    kuka cell code doesn't run automatically

    of course not...

    there are few things that need to be done correctly before it all can work the way you expect.

    my suggestion is to first make sure you that know how to use EXT mode - without Python...

    system is designed to act certain way as documented in Programming Manual for System Integrators, and you have some reading to do.

    also you should confirm input state - is the input really set or not... simply issuing command that is supposed to turn it on and just hope that is the case is not good enough.

    so ... you may want to test if you can change state of inputs ($EXT_START is an input).

    because inputs are normally write protected and generally cannot be forced like that.

    usual workaround is to write some other variable such as some spare output, and then have that output wired to the input that is mapped to $EXT_START ...

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