Erase automatically buffer messages by SPS

  • Hello everybody,

    I have a question regarding the possibility to erase automatically the buffer messages from the BOF (dialog box) when reach a max value from messages.
    I already found on the german forum some things but it was concerning only the possibility to acquit messages.
    On the KRC1 i have (an old one v1.10) we have some times KCP freezing due to this buffer. :wallbash:

    Thank you very much for your help.


  • Hello,

    you have serious v1.10?? I have no experience with this version. As I experienced the old KRC Versions are not very stable - so I recommend updating to V 2.3.24 (latest official Version for KRC1) or V4.1.6 (KRC2 Version - but also running on KRC1).

    If you are using extern interface you can quit this messages by using the signal $conf_mess - if you don´t use Automatic extern, you can clear the messages only by using the confirm all button at the KCP.

    BR Stefan

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