Unable to post in other forums - introduction. ;)

  • Hello guys.
    Sorry for I’m writing in English, that’s best for me - however I can fine read the German topics - so I think it should be ok :)

    Looks like this is a pretty nice forum, there’s a lot of information. I’m just starting programming the Krc4 controller from KUKA.

    Why am I not allowed to post posts in other forums than this one - found the problem, just needed to introduce my self here first :)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Rasmus7700 ()

  • i think this was, because as a new user you need to solve the Recaptcha.
    That is for Spam protection.

    If you want, you can use the International Forum https://www.robot-forum.com it is our big brother and complete in English :blumen:

    Menschen brauchen Roboter, aber auch Roboter brauchen Menschen.

    Roboter sichern die Arbeitsplätze und den Fortschritt der Industrieländer, da sie kostengünstig und qualitativ hochwertig produzieren.

    Ohne Automatisierung mit Robotern werden unsere Produkte in Billiglohnländern hergestellt.

    >> Abonniere meinen YouTube Roboterkanal <<

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