FANUCA RoboGuide and ProfiBus problem

  • Hi all!

    If I recall correctly, I had complained in this forum about ProfiBus configuration screens not working in RoboGuide few months ago.

    Basically, if I create a new cell, or create a cell from a backup, the two ProfiBus screens didn't apear in the I/O and SETUP menus. ProfiBus variables are there, racks, and everything else. But as the screens (and the menu entries associated with it) didn't appear, so I can't check ProfiBus configs.

    At that time, I was thinking the problem was my specific version (V8 RevE).

    But recently, I've noticed the same problems with a newer version (V8 RevK).

    But... this problem occur with FRVRC version 7.70 and below. With FRVRC 8.30, I have all the menus.

    Someone else saw this happening?


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