tool offset or base offset ?

  • Hi everybody;

    I am very newbe in robot programming.
    But I have many experiance about automation and microcontroller.
    I am working grinding and polishing for hot forging handtools.
    Now I am using very old KRC1 and KR150.

    1-One magazine unit for tools.
    2-Two belt type grinding machine
    3-One belt type polshing machine.
    4-Two each b&w camera for tool measuring(before grinding)
    5-Hitachi plc with device net card and operater panel.
    6-Pc inside Halcon vision software plus Beckhoff devicenet card.

    Handtool have 11 each surface.Now system very good working.
    I am sending xyz,abc offset value for each surface via operater panel from PLC.
    Grinding and polishing good but not excellent.

    From hot forging handtool phisical dimesions not same sometimes different.

    But I was planing camera measuring for gripper errors(Holding errors) and forging errors.
    Now Halcon vision software calculate error of x,y,z .
    Also I am planning calculate ABC angular errors.

    Now question
    In robot I have one tool(gripper) and 3 base (2 base for grinding,1 base for polshing)
    In robot application for correction,best way tool shifting or base shifting?.

    Thank You


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