Problem with open program VKRC4

  • The problem of the robot is not possible open a program by open button is only possible to select program and then is working. This problem is a little bit limitation of usage and programming robot. I don't know from where the problem came it just came first time and now is permanently on the robot. And also the file for example up132.dat with keep extension is created automatically in UP folder.
    Only one solution which I find to solve the problem is to change program attributes for hidden .
    Do You know maybe reason why is like this or maybe You know solution how to solve this. This is my first project on VKRc4 and I don’t have any support from customer side ( of course like always on small project ?)
    I was try to change variable $edit_mod variable but it bring nothing

  • you have a flashdrive with the files to become an expert?

    Wolfram (Cat) Henkel

    never forget Asimov's Laws at the programming of robots...

    "Safety is an integral part of function. No safety, no production. I don't buy a car without brakes."

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  • I was try do do cold start, restore backup but nothing was work.
    I wasn't find any solution for this problem.
    And i was restore empty image on robot and copy manually all files on robot.
    I was find a problem where that come - if You loading once up or folge with attribute hidden then You get this problem and deleting after this is not helping You have restore old image on kuka VKRC4

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